Paradigm Shift had to be done..
It took a few months but I’ve transitioned my work flow over to Blender and Substance Painter.
why? well I’m glad you asked but I was kinda force to as my main tool Cinema 4D was lagging more and more behind in some areas that are key for me a 3D generalist. As much as I love it’s UI, ease of use and excellent MoGraph tools it was becoming more of a sort of ‘hub‘ that needs to be fed by other apps.
This resulted in a convoluted pipeline that I just couldn’t sustain efficiently. Don’t get me wrong I still love C4D but need to see if there’s better out there for me 😉

So for 2018 and probably beyond you will see a range of work produced using Blender, Substance Painter and Marvelous Designer for clothing design.
Keep an eye out for another blog entry on lessons learned using this new workflow for the ‘Executive Building’ release.

The journey to the Ithaka, continues…i hope to see you along the way.